Also the Author comments on the electability of Mrs. Clinton. I find that to be rubbish. While a viable candidate I do believe the Senator will have a rough time going head to head with Sen. McCain. If you look at the history of this race Mrs. Clinton was doing fairly well in all the primaries until she started to lag behind Sen. Obama. I don’t believe that Mrs. Clinton lost any support I believe that Sen. Obama gained all of John Edwards’s supporters. Not because of his dashing good looks or his nice teeth but because these new Obama supporter are not supporting Sen. Obama they are in fact opposing Sen. Clinton.
All this aside I have no personal problem with Mrs. Clinton. I am just frightened by the outrageous level of gullibility the American people has. We should not be electing candidates because of their last names. Am I the only one who finds that dynastic and undemocratic? Am I the only one who doesn’t want there kids and grandkids having trouble learning the correct order of the Bush/Clinton/Bush/Clinton series? These are not the values that I wish to pass on. We are a nation that does not recognize birth rights and I’d like to keep it that way.
In conclusion we as Democrats need to stop jacking around and get behind Senator Obama before we have four more years of the GOP (Even though John McCain is by far the best republican choice we had). Mr. and Mrs. Clinton do look very tired these days and we need to move on get some fresh blood in the presidency. What we need is some change we can believe in!

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