Over spring break one of my friends from my hometown came to visit me. We were hanging out and the conversation turned toward politics. He was convinced that Barack Obama was an Islamic anti-Christ that would not even hold his hand over his heart to say the pledge and no matter what I said he would not be swayed. It was really appalling and I began to ponder. I decided that we as Americans have been wronged. We have been wronged by the pundits from both sides of the fence. We've been wronged by every idiot out there in the media who argues just argue. We have systematically been placed into two opposing teams. Us vs. them, Red vs. Blue, left vs. right. It blows my mind that people today suffer from such textbook cases of cognitive dissonance that they disregard reality just to make points for their "team". This is not a game ladies and gentleman. We need to cut the crap. People are identifying with certain political parties because of stupid reason and this is all being fueled by pundits like bill Oreilly and Rush Limbaugh. When I was looking for an article to write about I went to Bill O'reilly's website and was appauled by his blatant attacks on the left. As a member of the media I think he should maintain a level of integrity and not let his personal thoughts interfere with his duty. But sadly it is just a bunch of GOP cock-sucking propoganda(sadly as I thought about what I just wrote I realize that I too am a victum of partisan politics). And its not just the GOP even though they are the most evil the left has its share of proganda spreaders. We don't need dividers we need to be unifiers like these great American Patriots:

So In conclusion I personally have decided to try and be a little less "fair and balanced" and a little more objective when it comes to politics and I urge America to do the same or risk sounding retarded like my redneck friend from Jim Ned, America. Really wtf?
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