Good Job America!
As I think back on this election cycle and all the potentail canidates that we've had I have to say that I am glad that we have chosen the canidates that we have(assuming that Barack Obama is the democratic nominee-which he is-do the freakin math). We have resisted the urge to nominate someone just because of thier last name. We have shown that we will not let another right-wing activist occupy the Presidency. I'm not going to lie the idea of someone like Mike Huckabee becoming comander-in-chief scares me immensly. I feel that America has learned its lesson and has decided to get away from old politics and came to the realization that the presidency is no place for religious nuts. Obama and McCain both seem that they would not mess up things too much. All though I support Obama, McCain's election would not be that bad of a thing especially if the democrats gain ground in congress. It would be a good balance. But anyways good job America I applaud you for rejecting fascism and giving an early death to what would have been the second presidental dynasty of modern times. The democratic process has indeed endured .Kudos
Comment on Substantial Commentary #2

I read my co-bloggers Substantial Commentary #2 on the national debt and I can’t say that I really agree. It got to me thinking is it even relevant. Does our debt even exist we know that we will never pay it. It is an imaginary number that we track because the national government as gone beyond money. By borrowing they create money out of thin air. But we are not the only nation to have such substantial debt I found a list of all the nations with debt which shows that this is just the standard way of operating for industrial nations.
We shouldn’t worry about our national debt when it is spent on important things not on pointless wars and such. We need to be spending our money on America to improve the lives of our citizens and to better our nation. We should be worrying about our personal debt. Americans are carrying more personal debt now than in any other time in history. The current reccesion is not caused by the National debt but rather by Americans living beyond their means. And it has to stop we have to move away from our delusion American "Dream" where everyone gets to live in a subdived carbon copied neighborhood, shop at walmart, and drive a freakin SUV.The point is that the national debt is just a number that doesn’t really mean anything anymore. What is important is the spending habits of our citizens.
We shouldn’t worry about our national debt when it is spent on important things not on pointless wars and such. We need to be spending our money on America to improve the lives of our citizens and to better our nation. We should be worrying about our personal debt. Americans are carrying more personal debt now than in any other time in history. The current reccesion is not caused by the National debt but rather by Americans living beyond their means. And it has to stop we have to move away from our delusion American "Dream" where everyone gets to live in a subdived carbon copied neighborhood, shop at walmart, and drive a freakin SUV.The point is that the national debt is just a number that doesn’t really mean anything anymore. What is important is the spending habits of our citizens.
We've been duped

About this time two years ago I remember being inspired by a new alternative fuel. That fuel was ethanol produced from corn and other grain crops. It sounded like a great idea at the time and I remember being proud that the company I work for HEB, for those who don't know would be the first retailor in Texas to offer it to the General public. But since then we have learned that we have been duped. In the rare cases that ethanol has been added to the gasoline mix the price remain high and the octane level falls down. But at least one could say that the corn farmers of America are beneifiting from this new lucrative corn business. NOT!!! Just like in everything else they do the oil companies are taking huge profits and paying low prices for corn and oil for that matter and then charging the public like crazy. Everyone suffers even the retailors I was at a HEB meeting and we were discussing profit margins and I was shocked to find out that make little to nothing off of gasoline sales and that the station is only there to promote traffic in the center store. Ethanol isn't even that better for the environment it takes insane amounts of petroluem to produce this corn oil. Also the diversion of corn and other grain crops from the mainstream food market has caused shortages sparking food shortages and riots across the globe. We have no right to burn food in our tanks when people are starving to death.This is ridiculous leave to the Oil companies to screw up a potentialy good idea. We need to take the responsibilty of alternative fuel sources out of private fuel companies and place it in the hands of the government. Its insane its like giving someone a gun and then asking them to shoot themselves in the head. The Oil companies are not going to dig their own grave. We need to take responsibilty for our own future.
In Response to Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Ballad (Ballot*)
I read this article and I disagree with the author. The author bases her argument on the fact that Senator Clinton’s husband was a good president and that Mrs. Clinton herself was in fact a good wife. Gee Golly throw in a Wikipedia quote and we got ourselves a bonafide candidate ready to take on the GOP and all the forces of evil. Wouldn’t that be nice though? I don’t believe that Mrs. Clinton would make a good candidate for the democrats or any other party. I don’t understand how a candidate can plan on winning the election against the republicans if she can’t even get her own party behind her. I also find it outrageous that her years as the First Lady somehow count as “experience”. I know sleeping with Mr. Clinton every once and awhile can indeed be a grueling task but surely that does not qualify her to be the commander and chief of the most powerful nation in the world.
Also the Author comments on the electability of Mrs. Clinton. I find that to be rubbish. While a viable candidate I do believe the Senator will have a rough time going head to head with Sen. McCain. If you look at the history of this race Mrs. Clinton was doing fairly well in all the primaries until she started to lag behind Sen. Obama. I don’t believe that Mrs. Clinton lost any support I believe that Sen. Obama gained all of John Edwards’s supporters. Not because of his dashing good looks or his nice teeth but because these new Obama supporter are not supporting Sen. Obama they are in fact opposing Sen. Clinton.
All this aside I have no personal problem with Mrs. Clinton. I am just frightened by the outrageous level of gullibility the American people has. We should not be electing candidates because of their last names. Am I the only one who finds that dynastic and undemocratic? Am I the only one who doesn’t want there kids and grandkids having trouble learning the correct order of the Bush/Clinton/Bush/Clinton series? These are not the values that I wish to pass on. We are a nation that does not recognize birth rights and I’d like to keep it that way.
In conclusion we as Democrats need to stop jacking around and get behind Senator Obama before we have four more years of the GOP (Even though John McCain is by far the best republican choice we had). Mr. and Mrs. Clinton do look very tired these days and we need to move on get some fresh blood in the presidency. What we need is some change we can believe in!
Also the Author comments on the electability of Mrs. Clinton. I find that to be rubbish. While a viable candidate I do believe the Senator will have a rough time going head to head with Sen. McCain. If you look at the history of this race Mrs. Clinton was doing fairly well in all the primaries until she started to lag behind Sen. Obama. I don’t believe that Mrs. Clinton lost any support I believe that Sen. Obama gained all of John Edwards’s supporters. Not because of his dashing good looks or his nice teeth but because these new Obama supporter are not supporting Sen. Obama they are in fact opposing Sen. Clinton.
All this aside I have no personal problem with Mrs. Clinton. I am just frightened by the outrageous level of gullibility the American people has. We should not be electing candidates because of their last names. Am I the only one who finds that dynastic and undemocratic? Am I the only one who doesn’t want there kids and grandkids having trouble learning the correct order of the Bush/Clinton/Bush/Clinton series? These are not the values that I wish to pass on. We are a nation that does not recognize birth rights and I’d like to keep it that way.
In conclusion we as Democrats need to stop jacking around and get behind Senator Obama before we have four more years of the GOP (Even though John McCain is by far the best republican choice we had). Mr. and Mrs. Clinton do look very tired these days and we need to move on get some fresh blood in the presidency. What we need is some change we can believe in!

Wtf America?????????????????
Over spring break one of my friends from my hometown came to visit me. We were hanging out and the conversation turned toward politics. He was convinced that Barack Obama was an Islamic anti-Christ that would not even hold his hand over his heart to say the pledge and no matter what I said he would not be swayed. It was really appalling and I began to ponder. I decided that we as Americans have been wronged. We have been wronged by the pundits from both sides of the fence. We've been wronged by every idiot out there in the media who argues just argue. We have systematically been placed into two opposing teams. Us vs. them, Red vs. Blue, left vs. right. It blows my mind that people today suffer from such textbook cases of cognitive dissonance that they disregard reality just to make points for their "team". This is not a game ladies and gentleman. We need to cut the crap. People are identifying with certain political parties because of stupid reason and this is all being fueled by pundits like bill Oreilly and Rush Limbaugh. When I was looking for an article to write about I went to Bill O'reilly's website and was appauled by his blatant attacks on the left. As a member of the media I think he should maintain a level of integrity and not let his personal thoughts interfere with his duty. But sadly it is just a bunch of GOP cock-sucking propoganda(sadly as I thought about what I just wrote I realize that I too am a victum of partisan politics). And its not just the GOP even though they are the most evil the left has its share of proganda spreaders. We don't need dividers we need to be unifiers like these great American Patriots:

So In conclusion I personally have decided to try and be a little less "fair and balanced" and a little more objective when it comes to politics and I urge America to do the same or risk sounding retarded like my redneck friend from Jim Ned, America. Really wtf?
I <3 Huckabee?

I was reading an article in the Houston Chronicle about a support rally in Houston where Mike Huckabee pledged to 250 of his supporters that he will continue on. But why? Clearly Sen. McCain has won the republican nomination. Why does he continue to drag out his weak canidacy. He is only hurting his party. This is just another example of the fit that the neo-conservative branch of the party is throwing because there upset that they are not the leading force in this election so they just won't let go. They need to understand that fiscal conservatism is what built the modern day republican party. I don't know maybe he is vying for a vice-presidency or something. Mr. Huckabee will be unemployed after this race so there is a lot at stake. Honestly I think he is enjoying his 15 minutes of fame for a little too long. So I've decided to write Mr. Huckabee a letter:
Dear Mr. Huckabee
Listen Mike I think its time to take a hike. You need to drop out of the race and save all your campaign money so you can afford a nice double or maybe even a triplewide trailor when you get back to Arkansas. If you don't you may have to get a subprime loan. And don't worry about being unemployed there is alway the trickledown to fall back on. But seriously you and all your neo-conservative-type friends just need to realize that we won't fall for it three times in a row. You just seem like the 08 model of the middle aged white guy and sadly wedon't want that we change. And quite frankly your not that change. You should be more like Mr. Obama, Hell he eats change for breakfast. He's a change machine. Anyways I wish I could have done this face to face but Mike I don't think its gonna work out. Its over, we're with John now. It was fun while it lasted but, you'll find somebody else. There's plenty of fish in the sea.
-The American People
Dear Mr. Huckabee
Listen Mike I think its time to take a hike. You need to drop out of the race and save all your campaign money so you can afford a nice double or maybe even a triplewide trailor when you get back to Arkansas. If you don't you may have to get a subprime loan. And don't worry about being unemployed there is alway the trickledown to fall back on. But seriously you and all your neo-conservative-type friends just need to realize that we won't fall for it three times in a row. You just seem like the 08 model of the middle aged white guy and sadly wedon't want that we change. And quite frankly your not that change. You should be more like Mr. Obama, Hell he eats change for breakfast. He's a change machine. Anyways I wish I could have done this face to face but Mike I don't think its gonna work out. Its over, we're with John now. It was fun while it lasted but, you'll find somebody else. There's plenty of fish in the sea.
-The American People
Water Under the Bridge

This is an Article I found in the Los Angelos Times about the banning of waterboarding. Waterboarding is a technique used in interogation where the illusion of drowning is given. The CIA has not used waterboarding in over five years but maintains the option in the "case of an imminent attack". Senators McCain, Clinton and Obama have all condemed it has an atrocity. McCain goes on to say that it was inconceivable that "anyone could believe that [waterboarding is] not torture. It's in violation of the Geneva Convention. It's in violation of existing law". This is a good article to read because this a step forward for our nation. We can not just be a nation that talks of rights we must adhere to them as well.
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