Good Job America!

As I think back on this election cycle and all the potentail canidates that we've had I have to say that I am glad that we have chosen the canidates that we have(assuming that Barack Obama is the democratic nominee-which he is-do the freakin math). We have resisted the urge to nominate someone just because of thier last name. We have shown that we will not let another right-wing activist occupy the Presidency. I'm not going to lie the idea of someone like Mike Huckabee becoming comander-in-chief scares me immensly. I feel that America has learned its lesson and has decided to get away from old politics and came to the realization that the presidency is no place for religious nuts. Obama and McCain both seem that they would not mess up things too much. All though I support Obama, McCain's election would not be that bad of a thing especially if the democrats gain ground in congress. It would be a good balance. But anyways good job America I applaud you for rejecting fascism and giving an early death to what would have been the second presidental dynasty of modern times. The democratic process has indeed endured .Kudos

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